
Monday, January 22, 2007

Hillary Clinton Wants To Be President. Is She Right For The Job?

When Hillary Clinton announced her bid for the much coveted 2008 presidential seat, there were no gasps of disbelief or declarations of " Whatta surprise!" from anyone. Unless of course, you've spent the better part of the last fifteen years holed up in a cave or have simply been glued to the boob tube rapturously watching soap operas,dimwitted talk shows and other light weight fare.

Ever since her husband Bill occupied the oval office back in 1993,she has none too secretly nursed similar political aspirations. And remember their joint proclamation, " You get two for one" meaning they would be jointly running the country? Well, if Hillary gets elected we'll have to endure another four years of Bill Clinton as the co-president. Now, for those of you who thought that President Clinton "walked on water"(and you know who you are), well, Hillary's ascension into the White House will seem like a Godsend. The two of them in tandem will once again weave their special Democratic magic. Which in turn means: higher taxes and more useless do gooder social programs. The average, hardworking taxpayer will again be viewed as the governments veritable piggy bank from which these said programs will be financed.

And to prove that some social programs never die ( they simply lie in wait until their eagerly anticipated resurrection), Hillary's much touted health care bill will be hauled out of moth balls, dusted off, then presented a second time to the American people 15 years later in hopes that this time her precious bill will sail effortlessly through Congress. Suffice to say,going into detail about what some political wags referred to as Hillary Health would take up far too much time here, so search Google for the skinny on this flawed plan that was touted as a panacea for our countries health care woes.

But like all liberal Democrats, feelings will be the order of the day. Remember when President Clinton told all of us that he "felt our pain"? Well, it's kinda hard for me to really take seriously how someone who wears expensive suits,confers with people of power and privilege and feasts on $500.00 a plate dinners can relate to the average, hard working taxpayer who shops at Value City,rubs elbows with his equally average friends and chows down at Ruby Tuesdays. Yet these rich,influential politicians can somehow "feel our pain". I doubt it. Or perhaps I'm being a tad too cynical? Nah,I was right the first time.

Please keep in mind, Hillary Clinton is cut from the same liberal cloth as her husband. To be honest about it, I really can't tell one from the other as far as political ideology is concerned;unless of course you compare libidos in which case Bill Clinton becomes the front runner in that race.

However,if you pine for the bygone days when William Jefferson Clinton ran the White House, then by all means vote for Hillary. Sure, your wallet will be a tad lighter from paying for all of Hillary's and the predominantly Democratic Congress's well meaning social programs, but you'll derive that warm n' buttery feeling from doing what's right for your fellow man. And in the end, aren't feelings what liberal politics are all about?

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