This is a place(or soap box if you will)for me to speak out on subjects,to tell you about the things I've experienced or am currently experiencing. I'll explore many topics that matter to me with honesty and humor.I'll even subject you to my peculiar sense of humor. I'll endevor to entertain you, perhaps to enlighten you;but I'll always speak my mind, shoot from the hip and take no prisoners.So strap yourself in folks, I'm about to take you on a journey.Enjoy the ride!
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Lynne Stewart Gets A Slap On The Wrist As Justice Gets A Slap In The Face. Originally published in 2006.
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Moussaoui Deserves Death! (Originally published in 2006)
Saturday, September 18, 2021
A Moral Dilemma: Doing What's Right.
Saturday, September 11, 2021
September 11, 2001: The Day America Was Attacked.
On September 11, 2001, I was working as a telemarketer. To me, it was just another day at work as I sat at my desk calling people to encourage them to buy some totally worthless product they didn't need or want. I'd been there for two hours, when suddenly the supervisor came into the room and told us to put down our phones. She then said that The Twin Towers had been attacked. Then she added another bombshell: The Pentagon had also been destroyed. The shock and the horror echoed throughout the room. What was happening? We were told to go home, but we would be paid for the entire shift. Just as an aside, the company only paid us for two hours.
Out in the parking lot, people listened to their car radios to find out more. The unthinkable had just occurred : America had been attacked by Al-Queda terrorists. How could this have happened? Myself, and many others, believed that something like this could never, ever happen to us. We held the mistaken notion that America was invincible. However, in reality, we were vulnerable. And it was scary. After all, this hadn't occurred before. All of America had been living for years with a false sense of security.
We were bombarded with reports of the attacks and were trying to sort out all of the information as it was being broadcast. Everyone was going home to watch the news reports on tv. As I was going to my car, a fellow employee, Godford, ran up to me in a panic saying, " The Pentagon was destroyed." Although I was in a state of shock, I replied, " Let's get more information from the news reports when we get home." He grabbed my shoulders and said loudly, " The Pentagon is gone! It's all gone." I tried to calm him down by saying, " Godford, let's go home and find out what's happening." He agreed.
I spent most of the day riveted to my TV as reports came in. The images of the destruction and the devastation were both horrible and disturbing. I remember the rage I felt when a news report showed Islamics chanting gleefully at news of the attack. One women, a rather ugly one at that, was waving an Islamic flag and making victory sounds. How I would have enjoyed wiping that smile off her face. Now, I' m not going to lump all Islamic people together. That would be unjust as well as unfair. I'm talking about radical Islam. Let's get that straight.
I personally know of several people who would not leave their homes, because they felt the attacks would find their way to Delaware. I told one person, " If you refuse to leave and stay holed up in your apartment, the terrorists win." Around three in the afternoon I went for a drive to clear my head. There were firemen taking donations in my area to help the police and firemen in New York City. I gave what I could to help out.
But despite the terrorist attack, America showed the world what we're made of. People from all over rallied to the aid of New York City. Some went so far as to drive up from other states to offer their services. The terrorists struck America a terrible blow, destroying property costing many innocent lives, but they didn't win. We banded together to show the world that you can injure us, be you can't defeat us. We became more patriotic as a result as a nation.
However, along with the heroes, there were scoundrels, people who profited from the attack for their own financial gain. There were reports of black owned radio stations whose on air staff told their black audience to support their Muslim brothers and destroy The White Devil. I have no way to verify this, and believe me I've done my research, but if it's true these radio stations should have their FCC license's revoked and the announcers tried for treason.
There were psychiatrists who felt the terrorists should be given counseling and treatment. I guess these mislead professionals firmly believed that with enough love and understanding we could turn them into our friends. Well, in theory that sounds quite wonderful. But when they state, " Join us. Kill us or be killed.", that doesn't present us with a whole lot of choices.
My personal favorite was hearing about the lawyer, or lawyers, I can't remember which, who wanted to defend Bin-Laden if he were taken to trial. Really? While it might be a boost for their career as a lawyer, if I were them, I could not in all good conscience defend a murderous thug like Bin-Laden and be able to look at myself in the mirror without wanting to vomit.
In the end, many of the terrorists were killed, culminating with the assassination of Osama Bin-Laden, who after many years of hiding finally paid for his crimes. As we Americans cheered his death, his followers claimed " We will turn your laughter into tears." Sorry you radical towel heads, I'm still laughing. You may have wounded America, but you damn sight didn't destroy us. Let's always remember 9/11.
Sunday, August 01, 2021
Bill George:Red Hot Planet and Beyond Pt 4.
Bill George: Red Hot Planet And Beyond. Part II.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
The Capitol Riots Suspects : Chickens Come Home To Roost.
All Hail Q-Tip Sha Na Na! Protector of The Breakroom Muffins!
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
The Story About The Cover Of Death On Highway 13
Now, I'm the kind of person who usually doesn't dole out advice unless specifically asked. It's just my nature. However, these days with the proliferation of E books being put out by aspiring writers I would like to offer one piece of hopefully sage council: it's about the cover of your book. The cover is the first thing prospective readers will see, so you should present the kind of artwork that immediately catches a persons eye and draws them in. If you have an anemic looking cover the reader may look elsewhere . In my opinion, the cover is the door, the book itself is the inside of the room. A writers job is to get the reader into that room and tell them your story.
Some E book publishing companies offer to provide you with a cover, for a fee, and they use a company called Think Stock that has templates. These self publishing companies will simply choose the template that comes closest to matching the title of your book and Voila!, you've got a cover. Many times the poor author is stuck with a lackluster cover. The person looking at it will probably think, "Meh. Not worth it."
When I wrote Death On Highway 13, I envisioned the cover as described in the prolog as a truck driving away leaving a dead body in the street. The corpse resembles a child's doll after the kid had tired of it and has thrown the doll away; crumpled up with wide, staring eyes. You might be thinking, " That sounds like a good idea. Joe should draw it himself."
However there was one teensy-weensy problem: I can't draw to save my life. In fact, my high school art teacher once wrote on my report card: Joe has a lot of imagination, but little to no artistic ability. Ouch! So the hunt was on to find an artist to bring my vision to life. The ones I contacted were rather expensive and I simply did not have the funds to pay them for their work.
I did make the acquaintance of a woman who claimed to be a talented artist and would draw my cover for $400.00. I made the huge, walrus sized mistake of giving her the money first. One day, the so-called artist dropped by my house to show me what she had done so far. It was awful. It was amateurish. She claimed it was just a rough painting and that she was getting ready to put the finishing touches which would look wonderful. Stupidly enough, I didn't know where this woman lived. All I had was a phone number. I blindly trusted her. When I called her to find out when my cover would be delivered, all I got was: This person's voice mail box is full and is unable to receive any calls. For about a month I called the number she gave me and always got the same answer. So I got zip, zilch, nada, zero for my money. Four hundred dollars down the drain. If I remembered the name of this woman, I'd tell everyone across the web to avoid this con artist at all costs.
So, back to square one. In the meantime, I discovered a website called Fiverr where you can find artists. Luckily for me I found an artist named Chiara Noemi Monaco from Italy. This time, I paid $180.00 and she asked me what I wanted. I described the cover I had in my mind. When she showed me the finished product, I damn near had a hundred heart attacks and at my age that's not a good thing. Of course, I exaggerate mightily, but that's how much I loved Chiara's illustration. She took my vision and added in her own creativity.
Remember, the first thing that commands a potential readers attention is a killer cover. It draws and hopefully, rivets their attention to your novel. From that point on, your words and story telling ability do the rest. When you get right down to it, it's really up to you, the self published author, to promote your novel to the world at large.